Konferensi Ilmu Perpustakaan dan Informasi
Jika kamu mencari informasi mengenai konferensi nasional dan internasional terkait tema bidang Ilmu Perpustakaan dan Informasi, Kearsipan, dan Dokumentasi, maka kamu membaca artikel yang tepat. Artikel ini merinci informasi terkait konferensi ilmu perpustakaan dan informasi, kearsipan dan dokumentasi yang diselenggarakan di tingkat nasional atau internasional, luring, daring atau hibrid. Konferensi dapat berupa call for paper (cfp), presentasi paper, dan forum ilmiah.
Informasi konferensi bersumber dari grup Whatsapp kampus, organisasi profesi/keilmuan, rekan sesama akademisi atau profesi. Informasi konferensi ini diperbarui pada bulan Januari 2024.
KPDI 15 2024
Konferensi Perpustakaan Digital Indonesia ke-15 Tahun 2024 dengan mengusung tema “Artificial Intelligence (AI) dalam Perpustakaan Digital” ini akan dilaksanakan di Kota Bandar Lampung pada tanggal 6 s/d 8 Agustus 2024.
Selengkapnya: https://kpdi.perpusnas.go.id/KPDI-15
CAIS 2024
52nd Annual Conference of the Canadian Association for Information Science / l’Association canadienne des sciences de l’information (CAIS/ACSI)
June 4-7, 2024
For the fifth year in a row, the conference will be free and open to all, online.
Types of proposals
CAIS/ACSI welcomes proposals for papers, lightning talks, or panels focused on empirical, theoretical, and practice-based research. Proposals may be submitted in English or French. All proposals will undergo double-blind peer review, and should be scrubbed of personally identifying information upon initial submission.
Proposals should be in the form of an extended abstract (approximately 1000-1500 words excluding references). Please see our helpful advice for writing an extended abstract and use this template to submit. (note: if you are having difficulties downloading the template, try opening the link in a new window or tab, or using the Save as function).
- The submission deadline for all proposals is January 22, 2024, midnight Pacific Time. Initial submissions should be scrubbed of identifying information for double-blind peer review.
- Authors will be notified no later than March 15, 2024. Final versions must be submitted no later than April 30, 2024, and will then be published on the conference website and in the conference proceedings.
iConference 2024
Virtual Academic Program: April 15 - 18, 2024
Onsite Academic Program in Changchun, China: April 22 - 26, 2024
Hosted by Jilin University, China, and University of Tsukuba, Japan
Selengkapnya: https://www.ischools.org/iconference
International Conference on Information Science, Technology, Management, Humanities & Business (ITMAHuB 2023)
26th-27th September 2023
- All submissions will be reviewed by the conference committees and journal editorial board, and selected papers will be published in 1) Web of Science (WoS) Proceedings, OR 2) MyCite Indexed Journals
- Track 1: Library Science
- Track 2: Information System And Technology Management
- Track 3: Digital Content & Knowledge Management
- Track 4: Records Management & Archival
Konferensi Bibliometrika Indonesia 2023 -- Bibliometrika Untuk Pemetaan Sains
Semarang, 27 - 29 Juli 2023
1. Metode Bibliometrika
2. Sumber data Bibliometrika
3. Tools bibliometrika
4. Pengembangan lanjut analisis bibliometrika
Jangan lewatkan kesempatan mengirimkan naskah anda, bagi naskah terpilih akan dimuat di jurnal - jurnal terindeks SINTA
- Template penulisan mengikuti ketentuan di https://s.id/templateJODIS (kecuali untuk jumlah halaman, anda dapat mengirimkan naskah maksimal 7 halaman)
- Naskah dapat anda kirim pada email redaksi jodis@isipii.org
- Batas pengumpulan naskah 15 Juli 2023 dan naskah terpilih akan diumumkkan pada 20 Juli 2023
Bila ada pertanyaan lebih lanjut, silahkan kontak narahubung untuk CFP ini pada Bpk Cecep Ibrahim 081383565369
5 th ICVIAS 2023 conference
- Providing forum for sharing and discussing new ideas and developments in Artificial Intelligence (AI) in various scientific fields
- Developing vocational and applied research
- Encouraging academicians to improve the quality of applied scientific competences
- Disseminating applied research results to the academic community in particular, and to the wider community in general
- Abstract Submission Deadline 30 June 2023
- Notification of Abstract Acceptance 15 July 2023
- Full Paper Submission 12 September 2023
- Final Payment and Registration 30 September 2023
- Conference Day 10 October 2023
- International Journal of Professional Business Review*(Scopus Q4)
- International Journal of Emerginf Technology and Advanced Engineering (Scopus Q4)
- Record & Library Journal (Sinta 3)
- Journal of Vocational Health Studies (Sinta 2)
- The International Journal of Applied Business (Sinta 3)
- Journal of Communitu Service and Engagements (Sinta 5)
Template: https://seminar.vokasi.unair.ac.id/FULLPAPER%20TEMPLATE_ICVIAS2022.docx
Submi paper: https://seminar.vokasi.unair.ac.id/paper/public/login
The 25th International Conference on Asia-Pacific Digital Libraries (ICADL 2023)
December 4 - 7, 2023. Taipei, Taiwan*.
Leveraging Generative Intelligence in Digital Libraries: Towards Human-Machine
Collaboration ICADL 2023 will be co-located with the 11th Asia-Pacific Conference on Library Information Education and Practice (A-LIEP 2023; https://a-liep.org) and the annual meeting of Asia-Pacific chapter of iSchools (AP-iSchools; https://ischools.org/) under a collective title “2023 International Forum on Data, Information, and Knowledge for Resilient and Trustworthy Digital Societies” (the International Forum hereafter).
We invite submissions on diverse topics related to digital libraries and related fields including (but not limited to):
- Information Technologies, Data Science & Applications
- Cultural Information, Digital Humanities & Scholarly Data Analysis
- Social Informatics and Socio-technological Issues in Digital Libraries
All submissions must be in English, in PDF format. Papers should follow Springer Computer Science Proceedings guidelines (https://www.springer.com/gp/computer-science/lncs/conference-proceedings-guidelines). All papers are to be submitted via the conference’s EasyChair submission system (https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=icadl2023).
Formatting & Submission Lengths The lengths of submissions should be as follows:
- Full papers: 12-14 pages + references
- Short papers: 6-8 pages + references
- Practice papers: 6-8 pages + references
- Demo/poster papers: 4-6 pages + references
The schedule is shown below. All the dates are Anywhere on GMT+8 time zone:
- Full, Short Research and Practice Papers Submission: July 6, 2023
- Demo/Poster Papers Submission: July 20, 2023
- Workshops, Tutorials, and Panel Sessions Proposal Submission: To be announced Student Symposium Papers Submission: To be announced Acceptance Notification (All paper categories): August 25, 2023
- Camera Ready Copy of Papers: September 10, 2023 Conference: December 4 - December 7, 2023
Konferensi Perpustakaan Digital Indonesia (KPDI) 14
Tema "Menggalang masa depan melalui preservasi digital pengetahuan lokal Indonesia (budaya, pengetahuan dan pembelajaran)”
Topik Call For Papers:
- Preservasi digital budaya masyarakat lama (tradisi lisan berbagai daerah, obyek tradisional).
- Preservasi digital dan transliterasi budaya, sastra Indonesia dan daerah, permainan tradisional.
- Transformasi digital dari berbagai khasanah budaya dan kearifan lokal Indonesia.
- Preservasi digital budaya masyarakat saat ini (budaya tulis, budaya cetak, history of the present, dan sebagainya)
Syarat dan Ketentuan :
- Pengumpulan Makalah : 4 Mei - 20 Juni 2023
- Pengumuman Makalah yang diterima : 30 Juni 2023
- Makalah ditulis dalam Bahasa Indonesia dan diketik sesuai dengan format/template.
- Template makalah dapat diunduh di : kpdi.perpusnas.go.id/KPDI-14
- Makalah dikirim ke alamat email : KPDI.Perpusnas@gmail.com dengan subjek : "KPDI14_[Nama Lengkap Penulis]_[Nomor topik yang dipilih]".
- Peserta melengkapi makalah dengan daftar riwayat hidup serta mencantumkan nomor kontak yang dapat dihubungi.
- Pelaksanaan Konferensi : 9 – 11 Agustus 2023
Annual meeting of the Document Academy DOCAM'23
Held in Paris, France, September 7–8, 2023.
Theme: Document Design and Co-Design: From Participation to Preservation
Ideas might include:
- Design of monographs and journals in different media
- Design of citizen documentary platforms (from yellow vests to consensus conferences)
- Design of participatory cartographies
- Design and creative research on social networks
- Design of documents for controversies
- Semiotics for the design of contents, media and situations
- Role of algorithms in the dissemination of textual and audio-visual documentary content
- Design of audio, video, radio, streaming platforms, etc.
- Design of transmedia devices
- Design of archiving environments
- Design thinking documentation
- Design of documentary environments for collective action: communities, networks, organization
- Design of documentary environments for the knowledge commons
- Design of documentary environments for digital humanities
- Automatic document design using models
- Design of platforms for the redocumentarization of archival collections for scientific, heritage or public purposes
- Design of audiovisual archive enhancement systems
- Design of data-visualization algorithms for the genetics of works
- Design of archive re-contextualization platforms
- Consideration of neurodiversity issues in document and platforms design
- Design of documents supporting business processes according to different temporalities
- Design of mediation devices aiming at a digital continuity of documentary productions
- Etc.
Call for Proposals
Submit your proposal with this form by April 23, 2022.
Selengkapnya: https://documentacademy.org/?fbclid=PAAaafuqaYgGi0GxQvmKGTToLdsbtmsZzSeCJaceAAFWzaz2F8it2siI9ziUM
DCDC Conference 2023
Please submit proposals by 31 March 2023. We will be in touch to discuss your proposal in more detail. Please note, we will not be accepting any sales or commercial speakers through this call for papers.
Selengkapnya: https://www.jisc.ac.uk/dcdc-conference#
- How do we understand materiality in the wake of the pandemic and its continued complexity?
- Has the cultural and technological context transformed our understanding of the material encounter?
- How does a digitally mediated encounter transform our understanding of materiality?
- How is working across the physical and virtual space influencing how we collaborate and engage with communities?
- How has it shaped cultures of work in the sector (and related provisions for training, education, skills development as well as institutional approaches to equality, diversity and inclusion)?
- How are we using our infrastructure to enable these collaborations, and what infrastructures do we envision going forward?
- How do we navigate and interrogate our perceptions of value for the material and the virtual?
- How might the absence of the physical encounter - lack of touch, lack of access to collections, and prevalence of our technologically mediated realities - transform the ways in which we think about archives, libraries, museums - their roles, their practices, their collections and the communities they support and engage?
- What does it mean to prioritise the material encounter - such as the in-person access to collection items vs. their digital manifestations - over a digital experience today?
- What new opportunities and challenges does a new hybrid material reality pose within and across the GLAMA sector?
- What might the hybrid material GLAMA futures look like?
19th International Conference on Digital Preservation IPRES 2023
iPRES 2023 is hosted by the University of Illinois Urbana Champaign (UIUC). Kontribusi berikut akan ditinjau sejawat sebelum diterima: long and short papers, panels, posters, workshops, and tutorials. Kontribusi harus secara eksplisit membahas setidaknya salah satu Topik Konferensi. Individu yang mengirimkan proposal yang diterima diharuskan untuk menghadiri konferensi secara langsung atau online: pendaftaran wajib dilakukan.
Tanggal-tanggal penting untuk semua kiriman peer-review:
- 5 Desember 2022 – Call for Contributions Published
- 10 Maret 2023 – Call for Contributions (Peer Reviewed Content) Closes*
- 31 Mei 2023 – Submission Notifications
* Perhatikan tidak akan ada ekstensi.
Tema konferensi
- Digital Accessibility, Inclusion, and Diversity
- Sustainability: Real and Imagined
- We’re All in this Together
- From Theory to Practice
- Immersive Information
Selengkapnya: https://ipres2023.us/how-to-contribute/
Fourth International Conference on Information Ethics 2023
Proposals (3 pages minimum, word or rtf format) will be sent via the EasyChair conference management system (https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ethique-information2023), March 17, 2023, deadline.
Tanggal konferensi:
- June 8-9, 2023,
The CFP addresses two major types of digital information ecologies: the infosphere (Information flow on the web) and the recorded knowledge in Knowledge organization systems (KOS). The main topics are not limited but can be summarized in the following:
- Theoretical investigations on the ethics of information
- Ethical theories applied to KO
- Globally diverse information ethics traditions and conditions
- Anthropology of Knowledge and Cultural Diversity in KO
- Ethical values in KO practices
- Ethical problems in KO practices
- Ethical challenges for KO theory and practice
- KO and post truth
- The ethics of KO research
- Compatibility between local and global approaches in KO
- Prejudices in KO practices
- The ethics of big data and its consequences to KO
- KO as an ethical mediating stance
- Ethics of Scientific Research
- Open Data Ethics
- Ethical issues related to Algorithmic Power and Bias
- Social media (Misinformation, Disinformation and Fake News)
- Information Technology at Social Margins and Intersections (race, gender, sexuality and other facets of identity and privilege)
- Digital divides (economic, geographic, technical infrastructure, skills, gender, race, income and other lines of separation)
- Intercultural and cross-cultural information Ethics (cognitive justice and digital inclusion, Indigenous knowledge, multilingualism…)
- Ethical issues in specific information environments such as archives, libraries, museums, documentation centers, etc.
2nd International Seminar Document, Rocords, and Archives (ISDRA) 2023
Pengelolaan arsip, termasuk pengelolaan arsip/dokumen elektronik/digital
- Ilmu Koarsipan/Studi Kearsipan
- Memori Masyarakat Adat dan Memori Kolektif
- Humaniora Digital y/ Big Data Arsip
- Data Arsip
- Humaniora Digital
- Serta isu kearsipan lainnya yang relevan
Artikel yang terpilih akan dipaparkan pada 2nd International Seminar Document, Rocords, and Archives (ISDRA)
Email : jurnalkearsipan@anri.go.id
Phone/WA: 081234563695
Konferensi Ilmu Perpustakaan dan Informasi, Kearsipan, dan Dokumentasi 2022
Konferensi Internasional Perpustakaan Perguruan Tinggi Indonesia (KPPTI)
- Orisa Mahardini - 0878-0862-5079
- Adi Asmara- 0812-7387-744
- M. Jevi Rian A - 0838-8258-451
- Ampauleng - 0822-9055-6330
- Dwi Cahyo - 0852-4598-8195
The 4th International Conference on Library, Archives, and Information Sciences (ICOLAIS)
Call for Papers, Virtual conference, 19-20th October 2022, Faculty of Humanities, Universitas Indonesia.
- Extended abstract submission deadline: 31 August 2022
- Notification of acceptance/rejection: 9 September 2022
- Registration opens: 20 September 2022
- Final paper submission deadline: 19 November 2022
Selected papers will be published in the Jurnal Ilmu Informasi, Perpustakaan, dan Kearsipan or the conference proceedings.
Those whose paper accepted for publishing are kindly asked to pay, in accordance with the following categories
- Student IDR500,000
- Domestic IDR750,000
- International US$150
Please download the template here: https://s.id/abstracthutdipi22
Register and submit the extended abstract here:http://conference.ui.ac.id/icolais/icolais2022/user/account
BOBCATSSS symposium
CALL FOR PROPOSALS: A New Era: Exploring the Possibilities and Expanding the Boundaries
- sustainabilty
- Participation & participatory practice
- Meeting places and arenas for discussion
- LAM collaboration and convergence
- Literary and cultural mediation
- Children s libranes
- Shorud Readog
- Interaction design and user
- Open access
- Scholarly communication
- Knowledge organization
- Knowledge management
- Universal design
- Usor communities
- Gaming
- Information architocturo
- Information behavior and practices
If you have a paper, poster, Pecha Kucha presentation, workshop, or panel concerning one or more of our topics for this year, follow the link in our bio, press “call for proposals” (https://easychair.org/cfp/BOBCATSSS_2023), and submit your abstract before September 12th, 2022. We encourage students to also apply!
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